Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Scooter Will Not Start

Literally, the scooter won't start. That's all I've been hearing for the past 4.5 hours. You see, last year for my 30th birthday, Nick got me my life's all-time, most coveted desire. I had this desire ever since I could remember. I wanted a scooter. Yes. You read right. A scooter. But wait! No, not a dorky scooter. A cool one (yes, there is such a thing)! I wanted a Vespa. Maybe even a vintage Vespa but wait, brrrrrrp, back to reality. I mean come on! They cost as much as a used car! Anyway, I never got one in my teens or twenties but wait! My thirties?!

Days before my 30s, Nick drove down to Anaheim to buy my 2005 Bajaj Chetak in charcoal grey. It was used and in great shape. I found it on eBay! It was love at first sight. I drove it around the block a few times, after a 2 minute lesson on how to drive it, mind you I've never driven a motorcycle or dirtbike. So off I went in first gear then second all the while, I'm screaming and laughing my head off (and thankful nobody could hear me!). I downshift and turn the corner back home. That was enough for the day. It was great fun!

We took it to Pismo for our anniversary last January and I rode it around town over there. I rode it a few times after that but then it got tucked away in the garage. When we moved back to Kingsburg, it got lost in the mess and finally, finally it's getting the love it needed.

Nick tried starting it and guess what? If you don't run an engine for a few months, it won't turn on! He knew that and has been working diligently to solve that problem. Oh! Wait! He's got it running. I bet the neighbors are getting a good laugh seeing him zip along on the scooter!

We're going to Pismo again for our 7th year anniversary, just as we have been doing for the past few years. It's a compromise for everybody. Don't get me wrong, Pismo is fun but not a first choice in a getaway. It's the closet beach to us. My favorite restaurant, Giuseppe's, is there and we're taking my scooter again. It will be nice.

January 14th is our anniversary. Seven years. Lord hallelujah, we should all believe in miracles!

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